Blog and Podcasts

How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection

How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection

Where does the fear of rejection come from, how does it affect relationships, and how can Jesus minister to the part of your soul carrying the heavy burden of rejection? Listen in on this two-part series as Kimberly and R.I.G.H.T. to Real Love podcast host Yahnathan J. Immanuel provide answers to these and other questions […]

Bridge the Gap: Tips for Creating a Marriage Vision

Communication is, at its essence, shared understanding. So it makes sense that, if you and your spouse have different understandings of key terms related to marriage, your communication will suffer. In my guest blog for Imago Relationships North America, I share tips I often use to help couples bridge the communication gap. Click here to […]

How to Become More Wholehearted

In Steps One through Four of this newsletter series, I’ve shared the benefits of focusing on and befriending a hurting part of your soul, inviting Jesus to draw near it, and unburdening it. In this final step of the Five Steps of Taking a You-Turn, we’ll explore how to integrate a once-troubled part into your […]

How to Unburden a Hurting Part of Your Soul

Imagine trying to run a marathon hauling a backpack full of rocks. That’s what it’s like to go through life carrying painful memories, extreme beliefs, stubborn feelings, or even physical problems that parts of you take on as a result of challenging experiences. You can develop burdens any time, starting in childhood. The fourth step […]

When Your Emotions Talk, How Well Are You Listening?

When your emotions talk, how well are you listening? Are you giving them your full attention? Chris Grace and Tim Muehlhoff of Biola University’s Center for Marriage & Relationships interview Kim in a two-part podcast series about preparing emotionally to set healthy boundaries.

How to Invite Jesus to Draw Near to a Hurting Part of Yourself

Did you know you can turn your shame into joy, your anger into advocacy and your inner critic into your biggest champion? You can do so by following “The Five Steps of Taking a You-Turn.” In my last two newsletters, I outlined Steps One and Two: How to focus on and befriend a challenging part […]

How to Befriend a Part of Yourself You Don’t Like

In my last newsletter, we explored Step One of Taking a You-Turn . . . focus on a thought or feeling that needs your attention. Now, let me ask you: When you give a challenging part of yourself your close attention, how do you feel toward it? Do you notice that you don’t like it? […]

How to Focus on an Overwhelming Part of Yourself

Each week in my counseling practice, I am granted sacred access to the inner worlds of clients with differing world views, cultural backgrounds, economic means, and religious affiliations. While some differences are more obvious than others, it’s what unites these brave souls that inspires me: They are seeking a way to calm the chaos within […]