Boundaries For Your Soul

When The Holidays Herald a Heavy Heart

For some, the fall and winter months are the highlight of the year, bringing three cherished holiday celebrations—Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s—in quick succession. But for others, scenes of seasonal merrymaking bring overwhelming feelings of sadness, alienation, and hopelessness. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), “High expectations, loneliness and stress can lead […]

The 5 Steps of Taking a You Turn Explained on “Win Today” Podcast

Win Today’s Christopher Cook recently chatted with Kimberly about toxic emotions and Boundaries for Your Soul. Listen as Kimberly guides you through a five-step process to transform overwhelming thoughts and feelings—aspects you regard as liabilities–into powerful strengths.

Finding Rest for Your Soul

Do you ever get stuck on “Repeat” when it comes to miserable emotions or obsessive thoughts? How do you break free? Jesus! (Isn’t He the only answer?) A focus on Jesus helps us break free from overwhelming emotions and thoughts that can so easily entrap and disturb us. But sometimes it’s hard to find the […]

Are Parts of Your Soul Stuck in the Past?

My client, Scott*, was confused about his love life. Debra, whom he’d met at church, seemed to have all the qualities Scott had been praying for in a wife. As the couple’s relationship became more serious, though, Scott noticed a troubling thought. “I feel torn about Debra,” he said, plopping down on my office couch. […]

Boundaries for Your Soul on “Hope In The Night”

Kimberly was recently interviewed about Boundaries for Your Soul on June Hunt's late night call-in counseling broadcast, "Hope in the Night."